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Need to upgrade your equipment? Mechanical systems not operating at peak performance?
You’ll start receiving a bill directly from Enercare later this year
Enbridge Gas is ending its billing service for participating companies this year. Until now, your Enercare charges were included on your Enbridge Gas bill under the “Charges from Other Companies” section. However, your Enercare services will soon be directly billed by us.
If you already receive a bill from Enercare directly, you will not be impacted by this billing change
General FAQs
- Prior to 2024, your Enercare services were billed through Enbridge Gas, and would appear on your Enbridge Gas bill under the “Charges from Other Companies” section. From May to October 2024, Enercare began billing our customers directly. Now, Enercare customers receive a monthly bill from us instead of Enbridge Gas for your Enercare charges. This means your charges will be payable directly to Enercare through our standard payment options.
- We will be moving customers to direct billing throughout 2024. Any customer impacted by this change will receive advanced notice from us with enough time to ensure the process is as smooth as possible. If you have not received any communications from us about billing, please continue to pay your Enercare charges through Enbridge Gas, as you do today.
- We are working closely with Enbridge Gas to ensure a smooth billing change. There’s nothing you need to do right now for this billing change; however, we will be communicating to customers through email and mail with more details throughout 2024. If you don’t already have an email address on file with us, we recommend you call to update your contact information: 1-866-836-9854.
- Past charges that have been billed through Enbridge Gas will remain payable to Enbridge Gas, and any collection activity should be handled with them. After your account’s billing change takes effect, new monthly charges for your Enercare services will be billed through, and payable to, Enercare.
- In this case, it’s best to call us at 1-866-836-9854. Our dedicated billing transition team is available Monday through Friday, 8AM to 8PM.
Send us a message
Once completed, an Enercare representative will contact you within 5 business days. If you require an immediate response related to adding new products, needing a repair or scheduling / changing an appointment please call 1-855-321-1508.
Commercial HVAC and Water Heating
Sales and Customer Service
Tel: 1-855-321-1508 | Fax: 1 416-780-2910
[email protected]
Mailing Address
Enercare Commercial Services
30 High Meadow Place
Toronto ON, M9L 2Z5 Canada
Do you have a Red Tag?
Eliminate the stress of equipment Red Tags by calling us immediately at 1-855-321-1508 for a priority visit.
Electricity In case of a downed power line or other power emergency, contact your local utility. Please visit the IESO web site for a full listing of power utilities. If your utility is not on the list contact 9-1-1.
Natural Gas In case of a gas leak or other gas emergency, contact your local utility. If your utility is not listed below contact 9-1-1. Enbridge 1-866-763-5427 Union Gas 1-877-969-0999